an app that allows me to plot pokemon data
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Data source:
import streamlit as st
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
st.title('Pokémon by type')
conn = duckdb.connect(":memory:")
generation = st.number_input("Generation", min_value=1, max_value=9)
query = """
SELECT unnested_type, COUNT(*) * 100.0 / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER () AS percentage
SELECT UNNEST(types) as unnested_type
FROM read_json_auto('pokemon.jsonl')
WHERE generation = ?
) AS unnested
GROUP BY unnested_type
ORDER BY percentage DESC;
results = conn.execute(query, [generation]).fetchall()
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['Type', 'Percentage'])
# Create a bar chart with colors for each Pokémon type
color_map = {
'Water': '#6390F0', # Clean blue
'Normal': '#A8A878', # Beige/tan
'Grass': '#7AC74C', # Vibrant green
'Flying': '#A98FF3', # Light purple/blue
'Psychic': '#F95587', # Pink
'Bug': '#A6B91A', # Yellow-green
'Poison': '#A33EA1', # Purple
'Fire': '#EE8130', # Orange-red
'Ground': '#E2BF65', # Sandy brown
'Rock': '#B6A136', # Rocky brown
'Fighting': '#C22E28', # Dark red
'Dragon': '#6F35FC', # Deep purple-blue
'Electric': '#F7D02C', # Yellow
'Dark': '#705746', # Dark gray-brown
'Steel': '#B7B7CE', # Metallic gray
'Ghost': '#735797', # Purple
'Fairy': '#D685AD', # Light pink
'Ice': '#96D9D6' # Light blue
# Map the colors to the DataFrame
df['Color'] = df['Type'].map(color_map)
# Create a bar chart with specified colors using Plotly
fig =, x="Type", y="Percentage", color="Type",
color_discrete_map=dict(zip(df['Type'], df['Color'])),
title="Pokémon Types by Percentage")
st.title('Compare types among generations')
generations = st.multiselect("Select Generations", options=list(range(1, 10)), default=[1, 2])
generations_ = ','.join(str(gen) for gen in generations)
query_comparison = f"""
SELECT unnested_type as type, generation, COUNT(*) * 100.0 / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY generation) AS percentage
SELECT UNNEST(types) as unnested_type, generation
FROM read_json_auto('pokemon.jsonl')
WHERE generation IN ({generations_})
) AS unnested
GROUP BY unnested_type, generation
ORDER BY generation, percentage DESC;
results_comparison = conn.execute(query_comparison).df().sort_values(by='percentage', ascending=False)
fig_comparison = go.Figure()
# Add traces for each generation with corresponding data
for gen in generations:
data = results_comparison[results_comparison['generation'] == gen]
name=f'Generation {gen}',
# Here we modify the layout to group the bars by generation
fig_comparison.update_layout(barmode='group', xaxis_tickangle=-45,
title="Pokémon Types by Percentage for Selected Generations")
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